Nenad Markuš

I am a computer-vision engineer/scientist living in Zagreb, Croatia.

This website contains basic info about myself, my research interests and links to some of my projects.

Enjoy your stay.

Work experience

2023-present Leading Researcher on an EU Defence Fund project at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
2019-2023 Freelance work for various EU and US companies, founding and work on Autocam*
2018-2019 Microblink Ltd.
2011-2018 Teaching and research assistant at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing

A (partial) list of companies I worked with:

References can be provided on request.

* Autocam is an automated recording solution that leverages AI technology to create TV-like footage from panoramic sports videos recorded with a GoPro or other wide-angle cameras. I co-founded this project in 2019 in partnership with ONCE SPORT d.o.o., with an agreement that I would oversee development and technology while they would manage marketing, sales, customer support, and other business operations. This ongoing project (2019-present) is gaining traction among users. Recognizing the long-term potential of Autocam, rather than establishing a separate company to host the Autocam intellectual property, I joined ONCE SPORT d.o.o. as a shareholder and board member. This effectively merged our projects, resulting in mutual benefits for all parties involved.


During my university years, I did research, R&D and consulting in the following areas:

At Microblink, I mainly worked on problems in vision-based document processing/recognition/retrieval on mobile platforms.

However, I am interested in a variety of topics in machine learning, computer vision and computer graphics, and plan to do research in these areas as well.

Selected publications

N. Roso, S. Vlahović, N. Markuš, M. Sužnjević
Exploring Conversations with AI NPCs: The Impact of Token Latency on QoE and Player Experience in a Text-Based Game, QoMEX, 2024

N. Markuš, M. Sužnjević
Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of a Fast Algorithm for Extracting Polygons from Signed Distance Bounds, Algorithms, 2024

N. Markuš, I. S. Pandžić, J. Ahlberg
Learning Local Descriptors by Optimizing the Keypoint-Correspondence Criterion: Applications to Face Matching, Learning from Unlabeled Videos and 3D-Shape Retrieval, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2019

N. Markuš, I. Gogić, I. S. Pandžić, J. Ahlberg
Memory-Efficient Global Refinement of Decision-Tree Ensembles and its Application to Face Alignment, BMVC, 2018

N. Markuš, M. Fratarcangeli, I. S. Pandžić, J. Ahlberg
Fast Rendering of Image Mosaics and ASCII Art, Computer Graphics Forum, 2015

N. Markuš, M. Frljak, I. S. Pandžić, J. Ahlberg, R. Forchheimer
Eye pupil localization with an ensemble of randomized trees, Pattern Recognition, 2014

N. Markuš, M. Frljak, I. S. Pandžić, J. Ahlberg, R. Forchheimer
Object Detection with Pixel Intensity Comparisons Organized in Decision Trees, technical report, 2013

Research notes/posts

Read these here.

Projects and code

Please visit my github page.


My most popular contribution to the open-source community is pico, a minimalistic face-detection engine suitable for deployment on mobile devices and embedded hardware. The core algorithm behind pico was developed during my PhD studies. Nowadays it is deployed on millions of devices, in both commercial and non-commercial projects.

There's also an implementation in JavaScript: picojs.

The open-source community has made several reimplementations of pico. The most popular one being probably pigo.


A tiny, in-browser CAD tool which enables you to specify 3D models by writting JavaScript code.

An in-browser demo is available at here. The code can be found on GitHub:


You can reach me at